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June 15, 2011

Somis Fossils

Recently Joshua, Kyle, Denice and I went on a trip with the CFMS to Somis California. The CFMS had gotten permission to go onto the privately owned tomato Field to dig on the hillside for fossils. A lot of people turned up. It was a nice day, cloud cover all day so it wasn't to hot, but it was humid. Oddly enough it was only one hillside at the back of the Field that had fossils either on it or in it. This was our first time to this site as well as with anyone from the CFMS or a rock hound club. We had a good time. Lots to look at, unfortunately I only took one picture while I was there. Once we figured out that the fossilized sand dollars were in the brush we quickly altered our path. Now when I say brush I really mean jungle. It was ridiculously over grown out there, and we had to crawl, hack and traverse some wicked terrain. Just a word of advice if your ever going out into brush of any kind beware of ticks!!  we all had at least one on us by the end of the day. Ewwwww Gross!! Anyway here are the fossils we found!

Here are some clams and oysters. Now from what the people on the trip told us they are about three million years old!
Some more clams and my baby sand dollar.

Here are some sand dollars. there were only two other people on the trip who found anywhere close to the amount we did.

One of my favorites.
Ahhhh, Perfection


nice one!

another nice one.

A snail shell!

This is the bottom side of one of the shells thought it looked interesting.

And the only picture I took out there. This was on the trail we went traipsing down to the left of the photo. It was a lot of fun and i hope to go on another trip with the CFMS soon!

May 23, 2011

Afton Canyon Trip 2

Well, we went to afton canyon on another camping trip a few weeks ago. It was just as much, if not more, fun than the first time! We saw a whole bunch of wildlife this time. and got some more beautiful rocks! I can't wait to go back again! There is so much to explore there we barely scratched the serface
It was Denices birthday! Yay Happy Birthday Niecie!!! We had so much fun celebrating denices birthday weekend a couple of weeks early but it was totally worth it! Go Niecie!!

Love the colors in the hillsides always a delight!
Cute little horny-toad! He hissed at me!
Woo-hoo go gang!

Denice spotted this guy munchin on some cactus. He had the hole in his shell but it looked like it healed up so I think he'll be ok. Sooooo cool to find a desert tortoise in the wild!
Beautiful views!

Break time!!

Josh found this guy going in his den, I managed to snap a few pics before he got all the way in there.
The train, we were headed down the tracks into the canyon.
Love it.

Amazing place to go.

Wonderful trip!

Ok so now we got the rocks pictured and here are some of them!
Geodes gotta love em!
All three of those are different ones not the same one FYI.

ok now Joshua slipped and fell and caught himself on this rock noticed it had a bunch of agate in it he hauled this thing out of the canyons! By the way thats a silver dollar in the picture.

some miscellaneous cutting pieces.

And these are all cabs that are not polished and Joshua cut themon a tile saw!!

April 20, 2011

Rocks From Afton Canyon

Here is some of what we found out there. Almost all of it was found as float.
Geodes, Agates and Jasper, Oh my!

Jasper with geode in it.

The other side of the above jasper

One of our geodes
Mini geode!

I love this piece. I haven't done anything to it just found it like this!
Better view
Colorful jasper I pried from a cliff top
River bed Jasp-agate
Another Geode! These are just some of the pieces we found. The rest i think will be better viewed when its cut and polished.

March 26, 2011

Afton Canyon

         Afton Canton, our most recent trip, was absolutely beautiful. We couldn't believe how much fun we had! There are all kinds of activities to keep you busy, horseback riding, off road trails, wildlife, and yes rock hounding. It is kind of out of the way and a car with some clearance is recommended as the road to get in the campsite is very rocky.
        Now all of the information i could find on the Internet regarding Afton Canyon is either very vague or out dated. So here is some updated info. As of 3/14/2011 the campsite is still accessible. It is a dry camp the water pumps have been shut down for some time. Also the campsite is slightly small and it is first come first serve, so get there early. Another thing about the campsite is that it is literally right next to a train track that comes by quite frequently even at night, so if you don't like noises while you sleep bring earplugs. There are toilets (the pit kind) but it was very clean. All sites have fire pits as well as a standing grill, and a covered table.
         The views were spectacular. We were only there for three days and we didn't come even close to seeing everything.
this is just one of the many spectacular views

This is the campsite with wonderful canyon views. They say Big-horned sheep live here but sadly we didn't catch a glimpse of them.

And we start! There is a road just beside the tracks that goes into the canyons a long ways. In fact we didn't even go all the way down it to see where we would end up!
You do, however, need to have a vehicle that can get through this! Or an ORV to get through the sand to the side of this puddle.
Multicolored mountains.
Our dog Gaia having a grand old time!
There are lots of side canyons to explore but be careful the ground is very crumbly and so are the walls of the canyons.

Our very own Viking Explorer!
Well.......I'll let you make your own opinion of this picture.
One of the gang hiking up a side canyon.

So much to see!
This monolith is sitting just on the other side of the tracks.
Ahh.. the end of another day.
Ooh... look at what comes out at nightThis one is actually no bigger that the end of your thumb! It was slow going trying not to step on one they were everywhere.
Then we have the medium size toad. They were croaking all over the place! It was suprising to hear such a loud noise come out of something so small.

Then we have the big one!

The gang catching a break in the shade.
Up on top of the canyons is where we found most of the good rocks and pieces. But be careful of the edges dont get too close it could crumble away. Watch your step!
Views across one of the canyons.
Everyone loves a campfire!

Last day up on the top of the canyons.

Across the way.

Beautiful carved canyons.

Always love the different colored cliffs.

The gang  heading back to camp to pack up and go home.

One of the views from camp.

The end of a wonderful trip.

I hope to have more pictures coming of the rocks we found soon. Before i could get home and clean all the rocks up my camera sadly passed away. When I replace it I will be posting pictures of the rocks.
I will post the award for the best piece found on this trip as soon as i get the pictures up.